JukeCD 5 Version History released November 23, 2023
- Added a function to renumber the File # 's.
- Modified the Tracks spacing when long track titles wrap to second line.
- Added Uppercase setting for track title word wrapping.
- Added a manual wrap buffer for track title word wrapping.
- The title card print order is now saved with each print setting. released July 27, 2023
- The File # can now be modified in the CD Grid.
- Buttons on the CD Detail page are disabled during the pasting from the Discogs or GnuDB websites.
- Options to close the CD Detail screen when a new CD entry is cancelled.
- The "Print CD List (All CDs)" function redone for improved use. released February13, 2023
- Minor security change in program code. No effect on users. released July 8, 2022
- Fixed the title card tracks not being displayed when larger sizes were selected for certain fonts.
- Modified the Play List print out which could in rare cases not produce a report.
- Modified the Play List so the focus moves to the grid after a location is selected so that moving the mouse scroll wheel doesn't change the location. released June 9, 2022
- Modified the Discogs pasting option for entering a CD. The previous function was outdated due to changes in the Discogs website.
- Added Label and Genre options to the Discogs paste function.
- Changed Print Copies - the default is now 1 - previously it was 0. So, a single printing of a title card will have a value of 1 in Print Copies.
- Changed the Print header on the CD grid to read Print Title Cards. released May 9, 2022
- Restructured the Play Lists page
- Modified Track Start option to have a minimum value of 1 and a maximum value of the number of tracks on the CD
- Changed the track count colors on the Tracks header on the CD Detail page released March 13, 2022
- Added GnuDb website pasting option
- Added second CD graphic to Double Cards
- Added Artist line shading on title cards
- Added CD Title line shading on title cards
- Added position settings to Info Line
- Added Info Line shading on title cards
- Restructured Songs screen
- Added File # field to the Song List grid
- Modified the graphic functions on the Main screen
- Changed all references to the CD # to Card #
- Added CDs menu on main screen
- Added Card # functions to clear and assign Card Numbers
- Added more CD List print options
- Added color change option to title card Adjustment Panel
- Disable the Open/Close Tray buttons if no CD drive present
- Modified Proper All text functions to ignore apostrophes released January 2, 2021
- Modified Discogs pasting to remove track times at end of some tracks
- Changed title card page selector spinner to left and right arrows
- Added code to prevent second instance of program running
- Added Card Setting menu and card change link to Print Preview Card panel released February 4, 2020
- Replaced the FreeDB copy and paste function with Discogs copy and paste as an entry method. This was done as the FreeDB people are shutting down in March, 2020.
- Removed the Search FreeDB function
- Minor modification to some screens for improved appearance.
- Cleaned up the Help file, removing outdated topics. released September 11, 2019
- Modified the title card print settings data file to allow longer font names. released March 02, 2017
- Fixed an error in the 2 15/16 x 4 5/8 card size - the card height was being set at 4 3/4 (4.75) inches and should be 4.625.
- Fixed links to the low Profile Software website.
- Added the ability to change the initial track number when Auto-Numbering is active.
- Modified the positioning of secondary windows to open in the center of the calling screen. released September 14, 2015
- Fixed bug in the Play List printing that would indicate there was "No Data to Display" erroneously. released May 29, 2013
- Fixed bug that disabled the page selector on the Title Card Print Preview page released March 1, 2013
- Added Manual Word Wrap Length option to allow adjusting the number of characters when wrapping occurs.
- Modified the text modifier Proper All to ignore leading characters which are not letters released February 21, 2013
- Fixed bug in the Capitalize function that deleted tracks on new CD entry that had not been saved.
- Increased track length that could cause improper track numbering when very long track titles were entered.
- Improved spacing of tracks when Word Wrapping is turned on and the track title wraps to a second line.
- Changed the Capitalize function to include lower case or proper text conversion. The Proper option capitalizes the first letter of a word and converts the remaining letters in that word to lower case.
- Added Cut Lines option to print guide lines on the corners of title card print out when using plain paper stock.
- Added a Center option on the title card position settings. Cards can be centered vertically, horizontally or both.
- Added the ability to delete multiple CDs.
- Modified title card preview to expand the tracks area to the bottom of the card when NSM Split is unchecked.
- Fixed double card printing that would print a CD twice when the selected number of CDs was not an even number.
- Added CD List print out to print all the CDs in the data files. released September 16, 2010
- Fixed the printing of compilation information on the bottom half of a Double Card.
- Changed the Search function to go to the FreeDB web site.
- Changed the Paste function to work with information copied from the FreeDB web site.
- Added the CD entry option for MP3 CDs and files.
- Added the NSM Split Card option to single title cards.
- Added a Tracks height button to increase the tracks height to the bottom of card (Single cards only).
- Added a Tracks width button to increase the tracks width to the right-side of card.
- Removed Browser Paste preference - no longer needed with FreeDB web site. released March 31, 2010
- Fixed Save As Print Setting error that reset values of setting before copying.
- Added option to either restore or leave as is the Print Setting being copied when creating a new Print Setting.
- Prevent error message when paper size, card size or adjustment value is temporarily blank when typing value.
- Prevent error message if entering an invalid page number on the title card Print Preview.
- Added Set Width to Height option for the title card graphic size.
- Added a Replace Data File function to overwrite any of the data files with the original installed data file.
- Added a Re-Assign Image File function to correct CD image links if program is moved from prior location.
- Modified Backup and Restore functions to backup and restore the CD image files.
- Modified CDDB Paste function to remove link text when copying from the CDDB web site. released January 8, 2010
- Fixed bug in suppressed tracks that left a blank line instead of removing the track completely. released February 25, 2009
- Fixed error in Restore From Backup function that occurred if restore location was changed from the most recent backup location. released February 19, 2009
- Fixed error caused if the default graphic location file can not be located.
- Prevent Backup reminder from being displayed if program is restarting due to upgrade. released February 10, 2009
- Added online program update checking and downloading newer builds if available.
- Added playlist importing for iTunes and Windows Media Player playlists. released July 1, 2008
- Modified the CD image link field to 250 characters to accommodate longer path and file names. released April 18, 2008
- To deal with different Internet browser differences when copying CD information from the CDDB web site: added Internet Browser selection for pasting from the CDDB web site, choose Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
- Modified the Firefox pasting of CDDB copied information to remove blank lines.
- Added a Paste function for the CD graphic - now you can copy an image on a web page and paste the image to the CD information - the file is named and saved automatically.
- Added code to prevent possible "Floating Point Overflow" error with certain printers. released March 20, 2008
- Added Archive Title Card print file viewer to Print menu on main screen - title card print outs can be saved to an archive file and printed again without needing to select the CD's.
- Added archive file explanation to the File menu on the Title Card Print Preview screen released February 11, 2008
- Consolidated the Tutorials menu - a single Tutorials link now takes you to our Tutorials web page.
- Added short-cut to CD Detail screen - holding the Alt key and clicking on a CD in the CD grid will open the CD Detail screen for that CD.
- Allow blank CD in the top CD position on Double Card printing.
- Changed MP3 import screen to show all files in a folder - previously only showed iTunes tracks. released December 11, 2007
- Fixed European decimal format error.